This will be AEK's punishment for episodes with the … – – Sports News | New


In great difficulty she entered AEK after the very serious episodes of yesterday in OAKA in the confrontation with him Against. There are a lot of photos and videos that are undeniable about what happened on the pitch, so it's hard to miss the "yellow-black" line of defense to save the team heavy sentence.

Of course, the scenario of the club's exclusion from European competitions from yesterday seems a little extreme. Although the chances are very aggravating and unusual for the Champions League, however, since the AEK is not responsible for similar events in the European games, we expect that he can avoid such a comprehensive sentence.

On the other hand, of course, it is almost certain that she will be punished by a heavy punishment from her seat and will logically "padlock" in OAKA for several home games.

The "crimes" of the police

With regard to the beginning of the episodes, a great responsibility certainly lies with police, who could not control the movement of AEK fans from one petal to the other, nor stop them when they entered the moat. So it was not possible to play a game that smelled like gunpowder the night before, because of the episodes Alexandras Avenue, to limit the fans of the Union on their own platforms.

As for his fans Against, they could not repay with throws in the throws of the AEK because they had nothing in hand, so they all broke out with punches and kicks. Unimaginable situations that we have only known so far in Greek competitions.

Original responsibility and "mao-mao"

In the meantime, his own responsibility lies with him D & # 39; origin, who failed to tame his hardcore piece, when a day before playing with caustic announcement he put them up and down with him Demis Nikolaidis, who had called the AEK world to apologize for his punishment of 3 for the episodes made with Olympic. And yesterday, the veteran 's ace was justified, as the Union' s supporters again damaged the behavior of their team.

And, of course, many yesterday remembered his famous aka from last year Dimitris Melissanidis for his fans PAOK (& # 39;mao-mao") For what they had done in the derby at Tumba and now his boss AEK is required to handle a similar situation himself for his own team. It remains to be seen what will be the reaction of the club for fans who seem to make episodes and actually condemn the club.

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