Thousands of protesters in downtown Athens clamor for lower taxes and raise the minimum wage [εικόνες & βίντεο]


In a circle of protesters and policemen, the center of Athens is today on the occasion of the 24-hour pan-Hellenic strike declared by the GSEE, which has scheduled a concentration at 11 am on Klathymonos Square and a race. in Parliament.

Half an hour earlier, the PAME met at Omonia Square, while the students met at Kotzia Square and the Patision Primary Associations, opposite the École Polytechnique.

With a central slogan "we demand a strike", the GSEE calls on workers to participate in the mobilization of today.

"The world of salaried work requires, among other things, tax cuts, a single minimum wage of € 751, collective agreements, work for all and a fair and sustainable social security system, with no reduction in pensions and benefits. benefits, "said GSEE.

For its part, the PAME calls for increases in wages, pensions and benefits, abolishing the Atsioglu-Brutsi law, which abolishes collective bargaining and restores collective labor agreements.
With the slogan "For our own needs – Not the profits of a few", the members of the PAME, the federations and the clubs that gathered around this trip will go to the Chamber separately, in the presence of the Secretary General of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsouba.

The Coordinating Committee of Students in a communication published during the mobilization in progress notes: "We continue our decisive and vigorous struggle! The unacceptable bill of the SYRIZA-ANEL government will not be tabled! We are fighting for a school who will train and will not kill! We organize meetings in every school and clbad, we discuss and decide to continue our fight of action in every neighborhood, in order to encourage our clbadmates to participate in the race, to ensure that more students are fighting for the school we deserve.We strengthen the coordination and joint action of our schools with even stronger and more numerous. "

"We are fighting, affirming and finally succeeding in abolishing the Atschogoglu-Bruckis law, restoring collective agreements, lowering the salary to 751 euros, abolishing the unacceptable law of the Catastroge, working constantly and permanently for all, increasing wages and pensions , abolish ENFIA, the unacceptable taxation of our people and the lack of participation in NATO's dangerous war plans, "KKE CGC Secretary General Dimitris Koutsoumpas told the meeting PAME.

Meanwhile, pbadengers travel to Athens due to the participation of Metro, ISAP, Tram, Suburban and Trolley employees in the 24-hour strike. The main highways of the city are now closed.

"The success of the strike and the PAME meetings today throughout Greece does not allow any government to hide the demands of the workers and the people," said Alekos Perrakis, a member of the executive secretariat of the PAME, during the PAME strike. after:

"We are calling for wage and pension increases, benefits, collective labor agreements, no workers outside the ERC." Today's strike is a milestone of the day. climbing the fight in the next space at each workplace, in every branch of the economy, and we also respond to the quality of work that it accomplishes to prevent this strike from occurring Today, we continue the struggle, the demands, we put our own needs before us. "

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