Three skeletons "revealed" the ancient granitic sarcophagus of Alexandria


In particular, according to the information available to archaeologists, the sarcophagus, weighing more than 30 tons, revealed only three skeletons found among archaeologists.


According to the newspaper "Al Ahram", the Committee of the Ministry of Antiquities stated that three skeletons of warriors seem to have died during their lifetime

The Secretary-General added that the age of the sarcophagus has not yet been determined, that is to say, it belongs to the Ptolemaic period (332-30 BC). ) or the Roman period (30 BC

One of the scientists of the time said that the skull of one of the three skeletons carried a trabeculae trauma

According to the same information, l & # 39; 39 water that flooded the sarcophagus came from a hole that had pierced the granite.Finally, there was no record of finds here

The opening of the sarcophagus was followed by Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mustafa Waziris The huge discovery was found in the area of ​​Sinti Gamber of Ale xandrie

The skeletons and the sarcophagus will be transported to the warehouse where the ancient discoveries of Alexandria are housed for further study

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