Three years after the release of Windows 10


Three years have pbaded since the official release date of Windows 10 and the number of users has reached 700 million.

The world of Windows 10 users is great, and Microsoft has changed its policy regarding the presentation of a new operating system, offering a series of updates in Windows 10, according to the information it collects from its users and

According to ZD Net, each year more than 200 million users are added to the Windows 10 user base. On this basis, the The goal of 1 billion devices running Windows 10 is expected to be completed by January 14, 2020.

With the logic of two updates each year, one in April and one in October, Microsoft is taking steps towards Windows as a service policy. Many are users who complain about the update process, but this could not be overlooked if we want to have a secure and well-informed system.

According to ZD Net, Windows 10 still wants a lot of work in some of the applications that you can find in the Microsoft Store, as well as the hardware problem that supports them, since the smartphone field with the Microsoft operating system is virtually non-existent

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