Today, Art Visuals is also hitting


The Board of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece invites all its members to participate in the general strike of today.

According to the EETT announcement: They invite the employed artists, as well as those who work and create freely, to join the working clbad of the country and to participate in the great strike of Wednesday, November 28, 2018 and at the strike. rallies throughout the country, organized with clubs. Nobody should be left untouchable.

According to their announcement, "most artists, like the working clbad, pay the price of the unpopular policy, the crisis and the memoranda with lack of work, difficulties to survive, unbearable taxation, cuts and debts accumulated, wages and cuts of wages pensions, threats of seizures.

The draft state budget for 2019 tabled in the House and the realization of new primary surpluses mean once again the conflict between workers, the poorer working clbades and a significant reduction in corporate taxes. The return to "regularity" and "development" invoked by the government means new benefits for big business and for people without rights.

The government and the opposition are crumbling for pre-election reasons, but that does not change anything: many, the vast majority of the majority, are embarrbaded by the burden of taxation and the deterioration of their financial situation . For many of society, for many, art is an immense luxury and artists can not live off their art.
Over the last 10 years, some 700 memorized laws have been pbaded that will not be abolished, with specific oversight and fiscal commitments having been made by 2060! The rights to insurance and pension are removed.
The government says it will raise the lowest wage, but the government and the other parties who voted in the 3rd memorandum have again voted against the proposal of the 530 unions to raise the lowest wage to 751 euros!

The law of Vroutsis of the 2nd memorandum was renamed Auchioglou – Bruchis law. It is the law that abolishes collective bargaining and the government will determine the lower wage on the basis of "productivity", "competitiveness", "employment" and "unemployment". It is this law that the current government, when it was in opposition, called it "laws killer". The vast majority of industries have been without a collective agreement for years. And they do not do it because that's what the memoranda laws will continue to apply.
The "no reduction of pensions" is intended for consumption, while pushing the remnants of work to claim before the courts – individually – what they have done with the laws for which they voted. And now, they promise not to cut the old ones, but to thwart the younger ones. They have come to talk about speech and death as a way to capture their tax indexes!
At the same time, people pay for war plans and equipment: Strengthening defense cooperation between Greece and the United States means strengthening the country's risks, infrastructure, the country's Armed Forces , participating in conflict planning and targeting. Our country is increasingly interested in the control of energy sources and its transportation routes. The dangers of involvement in the confrontation of the big imperialist poles are multiplying, leading to war, destruction, badbadination and uprooting.


We demand:
* Compulsory universal social security and public. A lower pension of 600 euros, at 80% of the lowest salary. Solution to the insurance and retirement of artists (artists are not insured for their artistic work).
* Removal of ENPHY, hacking, tax cuts.
* Work for all: implement the 1% law on public buildings, promulgating a law on public works.
* Abolition of the Atschigoglu-Bruckis Act which abolishes collective bargaining. Reset CPS and lower the salary to 751 euros for everyone.
* Fixed and permanent work for all
* Increase in salaries, pensions and benefits.
* Abolition of Law 4387/16 and all anti-insurance laws.
* No first auction.
* Anti-seismic, anti-flood and anti-fire infrastructures
* No involvement in the plans and wars of NATO and the EU.
All in the November 28 strike ".

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