
In the coming days, the finance team is expected to send the institutions measures equivalent to 28 million euros to offset the revenue losses due to VAT at six months on five islands.

These are budget codes for the defense of defense expenditures. Once the data is verified, the European Stability Mechanism should give the green light for the payment of the € 15 billion down payment early August

  • Preservation of VAT on the islands: in the coming days , the "countermeasures" video)
  • The choice of the German Minister of Finance not to agree to the payment of the deposit if the Eurogroup has not been informed of the measures Equivalent has been commented by the German press in various ways, some newspapers having violated the regulations Greece and others for too much rigor on the part of Mr Solts.

  • ND: The victim of German meticulousness
  • At the same time, criticism of the opposition to the government on the developments of the economy

    "The" conflict "with Pierre Moscovis is political and non-personal Citizens know that it is a 4th Memorandum, as we call it. "It is not surprising how the SYRIZANEL government perceives the importance of National Defense "


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    " It is not surprising that the SYRIZANEL government perceives the importance of National Defense The movement of Change Movement defense said: "The release of the third program is a good time. A new period begins for Greece, and France will always be on its side reported by the French ambbadador to Athens, Christophe Sandeti.

    Source: http: //www.ert .gr

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