Tomorrow the tradition of Constantine Katsifa's body


The Serious Crimes Prosecutor's Office in Albania has received an official request from members of Constantine Katsifas' family to deliver the remaining body to the morgue for the ninth day.

As reported by the Albanian media, the lawyer Efthimios Navridis will receive, along with the 35-year-old body, a copy of the Albanian Forensic Institute for the benefit of the victim's family members. .

Constantine's father had asked to receive his body three days after his death, having resigned from the parallel jurisdiction of a Greek coroner.

Yanni Katsifa's application was forwarded to the Serious Crime Prosecutor's Office and, after long days of delay, he reacted favorably to today.

Declarations from the family's attorney

Waiting, Efthimis Navridis, family lawyer, said earlier today that the investigation of the Albanian police is not related to the non-surrender of Constantine Katsifa's body.

According to him, following the refusal of the ex-husband of the 35-year-old woman to testify, declaring to know nothing about the case, the investigation of the authorities of the neighboring country has been completed because there is no other witness.

As a result, the lawyer also felt that until tomorrow, the corpse will be delivered to the Constantine family.

Terrorism climate

On her Terrorism of Northern Epirus The Albanian police have repeatedly attempted to visit police stations during the last 24 hours and 9 days after the badbadination of Constantine Katsifa in Vouliarates.

According to the complaints lodged in recent days, many adulterous women of the northern epic have Greek nationality, under the pretext of identifying data without valid reason.

The Albanian authorities are alarmed by the wrath of the national Hellenic minority and try to intimidate those who react or visit the Vouliarés to support the family of the unfortunate Constantine Katsifa, who remains unhappy for the ninth day.

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