The position that the Deputy Minister of Public Protection, Nikos Toskas, should not remain in office, said Potamio's parliamentary representative, Giorgos Amyras, speaking earlier in the House
"In what state are we living in 2018, eighty-three people are burning alive, dozens are disappearing, thousands of houses are destroyed because no one thought, did not know, told the inhabitants of the colony to leave to Matti to leave "Grief does not want silence, bereavement requires accountability," Amyras said, adding, "There are too many responsibilities and the more we look at the government pyramid, the more responsibilities we have. Tossa clearly has responsibilities and should not stay in his place. "
" August comes with Meltemia and those who say that the "General Wind for Human Tragedy at Mati" actually tell us that it is inevitable that tragedy and that it is in our destiny that there are tragedies when it blows in the summer, "said the MP for Potamos, adding that anyone who claims to have such a claim" is cowardly, hides behind his responsibilities and do not answer why we do not ask him evacuation (1969005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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