Trab returns to rates after meeting Juncker – World


PUBLICATION : 25/07/2018 23:35 | LAST UPDATED : Before 34th |

The United States of America and the European Union will leave out the tensions caused by the recent tariff increases while negotiating an agreement to eliminate import duties, aid from the United States. 39; State and other obstacles to bilateral trade, The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, after his talks with US President Donald Trump

"This is of course based on the fact that as long as We are negotiating – unless one party stops trading We will not be preparing to impose other tariffs and reevaluate existing tariffs on steel and aluminum, "said M Juncker

. US imports from the EU, as well as the rights imposed by retaliation in Brussels, will be lifted or not.

US President Donald Trub said after meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to e

"We have agreed today, first of all, to work at zero tariffs, zero tariff barriers and zero subsidies for non-automated industrial products, "Trab told reporters at the White House next to Juncker.

"We will also work to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products and soybeans," added the US president.

At the same time, he stressed that he was in agreement with the President of the Commission on the reduction of trade bureaucracy and that he would cooperate with the EU on the World Trade Organization reform

Whereas US President Donald Trumb and the European Union have made "significant progress" in trade negotiations, which he says will allow for a "breakthrough". avoid a trade war and save millions

"Congratulations to Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Trump: Significant progress has been made to avoid the trade war and save millions of jobs!"

After his meeting with the President of the European Commission, the US President announced that the two parties would form working groups and begin negotiations to drastically reduce the high additional duties on steel and steel. luminium imported by his own country from the EU and the duties subsequently imposed by Brussels on imported American goods in retaliation

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