Tragedy in Evros, broken cars were found on a railway


In front of a macabre spectacle, the drivers of the train leaving Evros towards the prefecture of Rodopi.

On the lines of the train were found corpses. The longest accident occurred in the night, after the discovery of his tragic tale at first light of day, according to

Estimates currently relate to 3 to 4 young men separated from an evening train on the Alexandroupolis-Komotini railway line at the Venna crossing point of the Municipality of Maroneia-Sapon.

At that time, the EKAB's rescuers, as well as the police and firefighters, attempted to take back the human limbs so that they would be examined by the coroner.

Prosecutor Nikos Kifnidis will review the snakes later in the day and will be able to make his first badessment in the afternoon.


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