Tragedy in Leicester – The owner of the dead team of … – – Sports News | New


The bad news that circulated around the world on Saturday night was confirmed on Sunday and officially by Leicester, who announced in a statement that the team's owner, Victory Sivianaprampa, had died while he was on his helicopter before the 24 hour parking at King Power Stadium

Beyond that, the "foxes" clearly indicate that the other four members of the helicopter have died without their details being known, and informs that the first team faces Southampton for the England Cup and that of the academy with the Feyenord that were scheduled for Tuesday were postponed.

This 60-year-old Thai businessman bought the Leicester club in August 2010 and brought him to win the English league in 2016, according to press reports he allegedly used a helicopter to surrender at the team stage.

Saturday night, however, a mechanical problem caused the crash of his helicopter and his death …

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"With great frustration and collecting the pieces of our heart, we affirm that the team's president, Vihaji Srivantanaprampa, was among those who tragically lost their lives on Saturday afternoon when the helicopter that the transported and four others fell outside "King's Power Stadium". None of the five occupants survived.

The club members share the thoughts of Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha's family and the families of all those who went to the helicopter in this incalculable tragedy. Faced with Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, the world has lost a great man. A man with kindness, generosity, his life determined by his dedication to his family and to those who guided him successfully. Leicester was a family under his direction. It's a family that will continue its work and maintain its vision of the club that belongs to it now.

A book on arrests will open at King Power Stadium on Tuesday 30/10 for fans who wish to pay tribute to the Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha family. Those who can not attend King Power Stadium will be able to do so online in an appropriate section of the group website. "

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