Tramp: We agree on defense spending – NATO is stronger


Tonight, US President Donald Trump and the second day of the NATO summit called for an urgent increase in defense spending. After a "fierce debate", as described by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to which Berlin is committed to doing more, Trab seems to have gotten what he was right for.

"NATO is much more powerful now than it was it was two days ago," the US president told reporters, calling it "fantastic and "the extraordinary meeting of the 29 member countries today with a surprising collegial spirit."

"I can only say that the result is this: a clear commitment from all against NATO and the clear desire of each to help cope with changing security conditions, "said Merkel.The German Chancellor has referred to Tramp pressure to change the weight distribution within the country. Alliance. "I have personally clarified it, and others have also clarified that we are on this path," commented Mrs. Merkel.

A little earlier, Germany, l & rsquo; Spain and Belgium were found in the Tarb, according to a diplomatic source of Reuters, Trab broke the protocol e and called German Chancellor Angela.

"The language was much harder today," the diplomatic source told Reuters. "Angels, something you have to do with that," Merkel told Trabble. The German Chancellor then confirmed, as well as Berlin is committed to more in the field of defense spending. The request of the US President was initially to double the annual defense spending target of 2% of GDP to 4%

Trab comes back on the issue at a meeting devoted to Ukraine and Georgia. Leaders of NATO member countries have asked these non-NATO countries to leave the room for an unannounced discussion among members

. The US President seemed determined on the first day of the Summit to

"It is utterly inappropriate" that the United States finances European defense against Russia, while Germany, the richest European country, supports agreements for me with Moscow gas transit "Trab said Wednesday, calling Germany" hostage of Russia. "


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