"Transparency International Hellas": Less corruption in Greece in 2017 compared to 2016


An improvement of 10 positions in the global ranking of the perception of corruption index, "won" Greece in 2017 compared to 2016, according to the report of the international organization "International Transparency "

This is stated in the annual report of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Hellenic Police for the year 2017.

In particular, Greece ranked 59th in 2017 out of a total of 168 countries, from 69th place in 2016.

The head of "Transparency International Hellas" stressed that the rise of the country rank the world rankings within a year and certainly capture the efforts of the state actors concerned, the private sector and civil society.

This improvement in Greece, from 10 positions, is attributed to the fact that in 2017 compared to 2016, complaints about corruption cases decreased by 8.5% and in the case filed by the Directorate of Internal Affairs 15% as a result of the evaluation of comparative statistics

In addition, the number of people (44%), which is also related to the reduction of complaints for crimes committed in the part of an independent job.

However, it is noted in the ELI report that, in a joint condemnation, the economy is currently facing the worst crisis in its history, and the cause of this situation is mainly widespread corruption in a number of areas. "

It should be noted, however, that with respect to allegations of corruption, according to data from 2008 to 2017, there is an explosion after 2014, which is seen as an increase in the confidence of the world in the Department of Home Affairs and self-cleaning mechanisms, so that he is more active in the fight against this form of crime

.Most complaints against officials are police officers (police officers all ranks and special guards), out of a total of 1,126 complaints filed throughout the year, 703 (62%) of the remaining 244 (22%) complaints against public servants, 99 (9%) were about individuals and 80 (7%) concerned complaints / information about crimes involving police and public servants.

19659003] For the rest of the public sector, the largest number of complaints and information about corruption concerned the sector r of justice (246 out of a total of 459), followed by OTA services (54), hospitals (33), ministries (28) services and organizations (21), financial services (17), (7), customs services (5), the insurance funds (3), the consular authorities and the Parliament (of 1) and other organizations (

In total, the Directorate of Internal Affairs handled in 2017 473 dossiers , including 284 police officers, 136 public sector employees, 40 police and public servants, and 13 individuals

. in cases where the self-imposed procedure was applied in 2017, a total of 73 were arrested, of whom 20 were police officers, 3 special guards, 19 officials and 31 individuals

The details of the report on extreme behavior and Violence of the police are of great interest, which, as stated, is a top priority of the Directorate of Home Affairs

From 2009 to 2017, the CJL handled a total of 201 cases, of which 65 concerned offenses against nationals and 136 aliens. Of these, 13 and 14 respectively refer to the year 2017,

especially for cases of torture, all cases handled by the JHA, 55 (39 foreigners and 16 nationals), including 7 in 2016, while 6 in 2017.

For cases involving extreme police behavior (years 2009-2017), a total of 164 lawsuits were filed, including 56 in 2017.

The evolution of 201 cases In total, from 2009, 156 were submitted to prosecutors, 39 were arrested and the remaining 6 were pending

The report stresses that "corruption is a global and multidimensional phenomenon that occurs in all seasons and in all countries, developed and underdeveloped "while" in extreme cases, corruption undermines citizens' trust in democracy ". institutions and procedures. "

Source: MP RES

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