Trump: If I was then president, Putin would not have taken the Crimea – World


In a series of questions at the heart of the talks with British Prime Minister Teresa Mei, US President Donald Trub said at a press conference tonight at Chekeri, the official country home of Mee, in outside of London.
Earlier, in an interview with the Sun, Trab appeared as a critic of Mei for his strategy at Brexit while he was praising Boris Johnson, who resigned earlier this week from a minister. Foreign Affairs because of his disagreement with the Prime Minister.
Referring to NATO, Mr Tramp reaffirmed that his country was paying extraordinary sums, that it "was paying 90% of the cost" and that in fact the Treaty Pact of 39; North Atlantic helps Europe a lot more than the United States. Nevertheless, he admitted that NATO is an institution that unites countries. "We have 29 countries and there is a lot of love in this room," he said.
The US president also reiterated his firm stance that immigration is "a very negative thing for Europe" and that "it changes the culture". I know it is not necessarily politically correct to say so, but I will say it very loudly, "he insisted, warning European countries to" pay attention. "He even gave up the result of the referendum on Brexit
"You change the culture, change the security, see what is happening in different countries that have never experienced difficulties, never problems, it is a very unfortunate situation, it is very unfortunate but I do not think it's good for immigration to Europe, I do not think it's good for my own country either, "he said.
Trab also retraced Germany's energy dependence on Russia, saying Berlin is increasing its gas imports, even though the US is spending billions of dollars to protect Germany and the rest of Europe
"It 's tragic, I think it' s horrible what happens when it comes to … treasure houses in Russia with billions and billions of dollars, mainly d & # 39; Germany." I think what Germany is doing is horrible. does he work for peace (…) when someone has such power over you? he wondered.
He also called "horrible mistake" in the construction of the NordStream 2 pipeline linking Russia and Germany, bypbading Ukraine
The Crimean peninsula was annexed by Russia in February / March 2014. "President Barack Obama has failed with Crimea," said Trab. "I do not think he would have done it (Russian President Vladimir Putin) if I was president, it was a disaster for Obama."
He promised to consider this issue as he does with "many other disasters" that he inherited from the previous government. "I fix them one by one, and I know how to fix them," he said.
The US president said he had spoken to the British prime minister on a number of issues that are their priorities, such as the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. He said he thanked Teresa Mei for the positive attitude of London in the disintegration of North Korea. "We both agreed that Iran should never acquire nuclear weapons," he added.
Trab blamed the British Prime Minister's praise by saying that "this incredible woman is doing a fantastic and wonderful job" because she has to face a "very difficult situation" in negotiations for Brexit
"He is a very intelligent man, very hard, very dignified, and I would rather have his friend rather than an enemy," he said.
"The only thing I ask is to succeed (Brexit) so that we can have a fair trade deal because we do not have a fair deal with the EU right now, they behave horribly to the United States and it will change. " : "Unless they change, they will pay a very high price."
Nevertheless, he reiterated his statement in the Sun newspaper that he thought former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson would become "a prime minister."
"They asked me about Boris Johnson … how would he be as Prime Minister? He would be wonderful, he said good, I think he thinks I'm doing a good job I'm doing a good job, "he concluded

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