Tsakalotos: ENFIA cuts are significant for popular layers


The government's speech confirms that the countermeasures will be taken gradually over a period of four years, said Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, introducing the amendment on ENFIA and the social dividend.

"We had a number of disagreements last year on the medium-term budget, where the opposition was telling us a number of things that now turn out to be out of the question, and it's true that we We have paid dividends over the last few years, and we have never had the goal of making a profit and a dividend, so this year we are going to pay a dividend of around 710 million euros.

Social dividend

At the same standards as the dividend last year, it will be awarded this year. The amendment will be tabled in half an hour from now, "said the Minister of Finance.

Mr. Tsakalotos said that the parameters for the payment of the dividend would not change, depending on the amendment that will be submitted to the House. He also added that, now that we are out of the program, we no longer need to target overproliferation because it forces the IMF to say that some measures will be less successful and we can therefore take action at the same time. ahead of time, "said Tsakalotos, adding that these measures would be permanent in nature and that, in the opinion of the government, they would help the economy.

Reduce the effects

The minister introduced in Parliament the amendment to reduce ENFIA to emphasize that it was another amendment confirming the government's speech that countermeasures would be taken gradually over a period of four years. "This is a measure announced by the Prime Minister at FIT, which is reduced by 30% for the property of natural persons with a maximum objective value of 60,000 euros. total of the property exceeds 60,000 euros, the reduction of 30% is reduced "A total of 5.9 million owners, 3.5 million, or 60% of owners will benefit from a reduction of 30%", a- he added, adding that "that 5 million of the 5.9 million owners will have m allocation greater than or equal to 10%.

We are reducing INFIA by 10%, but for a very large part of the population, the reduction will be greater, and this part includes all sections of the population and an overwhelming part of the middle clbad, "said the Minister of Finance.

Taxation of corporate profits

To reduce the corporate tax rate, the finance minister said the rate would rise to 28 percent in 2019, 27 percent in 2020, 26 percent in 2021, and 25 percent in 2022. " 25% will be a little higher than the EU average, "said the minister, pointing out that this measure would help companies, pointing out that there were too many small businesses in Greece and therefore not just the large companies by this measure. Mr Tsakalotos pointed out that the position of the Greek government, as it has been filed in Europe, is that the corporate profits tax has a common factor in all countries, namely that there is no tax competition at this level.

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