Tsipra family loans sparked new ND-government strikes – War Announcement


A new war between SW and SYRIZA breaks out, this time on the occasion of a report by Parapolitics on loans from the Tsipras family.

According to the newspaper Parapolitics, the technical company Diodos, which belongs to the brothers and sisters of Prime Minister Dimitris Tsipras and Zanet Tsipras, "succeeded" in 2016 the settlement of a loan, rising to € 243,544, with monthly payments of only € 300.

The War of Notifications

The first in the dance of the announcement was the ND, asking for answers from Mr. Tsipras on what is revealed in the reports of Parapolitics. SYRIZA was followed by a mbadive strike against Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his family, followed by an announcement by Megiros Maximos. The ND attacked with a new announcement at the Maximos mansion, in which he retaliated against the Prime Minister's office. The Piraeus Bank has published a report on the reports on parapolitics.

According to the newspaper "Parapolitics", the technical company Diodos, which belongs to the brothers and sisters of the Prime Minister, Dimitris Tsipras and Zanet Tsipras, "succeeded" in 2016 the settlement of a loan, s & # 39; rising to 243,544 €, with monthly payments of only 300 €.

million. Tsipras, who represents the moral cognac, must explain to the citizens, as well as to the companies that he banned with his taxes, how a company that totally belongs to his brothers, managed to repay a loan with only 300 € per month, when only the monthly payments are higher than 1000 euros.

If Mr. Tsipras is in trouble, that he answers even more: Diodos is the same as the one who tried in 2012 to take charge of a public project of more than 1 million euros in the North Aegean region by submitting false insurance awareness?

We will return . "

The Annunciation of SYRIZA

" Being besieged by the seabirds of the Chrysanthemum, his family's offshore, his fuzzy financial transactions and his monstrous loans

ago A few days ago, in the House, he announced mud that he ordered against the Prime Minister's family, his friend and hugger, Vangelis Marinakis, the well-known entrepreneur and accused of heavy losses operations ness.

The goal of Mr. panicked. Mitsotakis is obvious. To prove that we are all the same

The "terrible", however, the revelation of today that he preached in the House, ends up making it worse: They make fun of Stones

How to equate the one who has problems overcoming the crisis and to regulate in a transparent way his loan, with the one who is financed by the suspect offshore, does not pay a dime for his borrowers, and ensures scandalous arrangements

Why, if so, half of the Greeks who regulate their bank loans would be homogeneous offshore ethics characterizes Mr. Mitsotakis. And they should be accused as co-mercenaries of those who allegedly regulate him for not paying.

Worse, however, is the brutal, despicable and vulgar attack of the mud, the same newspaper, against it,

Greek justice will be called to judge the killing of characters who, on the Order of Mr. Mitsotakis, is committed by this newspaper

The moral authors who are behind them, however, do not let them have illusions. Neither the clouds nor the Noor1 nor the montages nor the transactions of darkness must be forgotten.

They are in a position with their pains to induce innocents and those who know the truth, and they understand their motives, their sadness and their anger

But not fear

We seek, Mr. Mitsotakis. "

Reply of Maxxim

" We inform Mr. Marinakis "announced in the House the" terrible "revelations of his newspapers, that the Prime Minister is at his disposal to speak, at any time, openly to all commercial activities of all his relatives, alive and dead. "

This is emphasized by the press office of the Prime Minister in response to the New Democracy and emphasizes: with those of Mr. Mitsotakis itself, have never occupied prosecutors, courts or supervisory authorities, nor have they obtained lump-sum payments such as that of the "Chrysanthis Chania"

"And in any case, "wrote the Prime Minister's Press", let's say, but also to the vast majority of Greeks who are struggling to pay off their debts: Where can we find the suckers, off the "unknown entrepreneurs" ", like the one who financed 800 000 euros of fail lite the company of his wife, so that we can not bother to regulate, legally, the loans that our crisis made us difficult to repay? "

" Can he ask his wife to meet them? "

The Rebellion of ND to Maximos

" The Prime Minister's badociates, instead of being exposed while writing reports on the mud, let Mr. Tsipras explain to the citizens why his brother Dimitris Tsipras was tried

That he also knows that in any civilized country, it is inconceivable that a private society belonging to the siblings of the prime minister deals with the state. (19659010) We will come back. "

The Rebellion of Maximus in the Southwest

" The panic of the Mitsotakis he is finally a very bad adviser. Because he does not dare to show who sponsored his wife, nor does he answer because he does not present anywhere, he indulges in a denial of slanders and inaccuracies for the brother Premier

NW, contrary to his partner's journals. its leader, is an official opposition and not a foul form issued by the underworld

Therefore, we ask them to immediately present evidence of the conviction and non-execution of the brother of the Prime Minister

. common slanderers, will be held responsible by law.

PS. Come back. As long as you come back, you are so exposed, and the amount of compensation is yours too.

The response of the Piraeus Bank

Meanwhile, the Piraeus Bank published an opinion

in relation to the newspaper "Parapolitics" of today, concerning the regulation of the loan of a company in 2016, the Bank of Piraeus recalls that the existing legal framework does not allow him to comment on the details of its borrowers

The Bank regulates annually more than 7 billion Euros of commercial and personal debts using various solutions, approved according to the typology of the Bank of Greece and its internal procedures, in terms of conditions backed by a long-term sustainable debt service and the parallel strengthening of the Greek economy. In any event, the Bank neither adopts nor implements any provision that is or may be considered privileged

The Bank has already begun an internal audit process in order investigate the possible origin of the elements invoked in the publication. d, s, id) {
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