Tsipra talks with the SBAE for the first TIF after the Memorandum – Policy


Today, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will visit Thessaloniki, who will speak at the annual general badembly of the Federation of Northern Greek Industries in the city of Thessaloniki. 39, Hyatt Regency hotel, and will continue two consecutive trips to London and Brussels. where he will have the opportunity to make interventions and meetings on our national issues, the question of the two Greek soldiers who are still detained in Turkish prisons without charges, developments in the Balkans and the refugee.

The SBSE General Assembly was originally scheduled for Thursday, but was postponed for today due to parliamentary debate on the economy at the request of New Democracy President Kyriakos Mitsotakis

In his speech, the Prime Minister should report on the evolution of the economy and opening prospects after the departure of the country on August 20 and in preparation for the Thessaloniki International Fair, the first without a memorandum, which will open on September 8 this year is the guest of honor in the United States.

After finishing his speech, Mr. Tsipras will travel directly from Thessaloniki to London, where he will participate tomorrow Tuesday in the "Berlin Process" for the Western Balkans. This is an initiative taken by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and it is the first time that Greece is invited there.

The "Berlin Process" takes place after the EU-Western Balkans summit Sofia, under the Bulgarian presidency of the EU and following the signing of the Prespa Agreement on the nomenclature of the EU. 39; FYROM

The Greek Government supports the European perspective of the Western Balkans for the democratic European Balkans, without nationalism, with peace, security, cooperation and co-development, Tsipras and the fourth meeting of the Quartet of Greece-Bulgaria, Serbia-Romania, held in Thessaloniki. For Serbia and Montenegro, the prospect of accession to the European Union is scheduled for 2025. For FYROM and Albania, the beginning of the relevant procedures is planned for the year. summer 2019 and depends, according to the FYROM, on whether the neighboring country

From London, the Prime Minister will travel to Brussels for the NATO summit on Wednesday and Thursday (11- 12/7), accompanied by Foreign Ministers Niko Kotzia and National Defense Panos Kammen

At the NATO Summit will be held US President Donald Trump and other leaders of the member countries of the Alliance

Among the issues to be discussed is that of the invitation of the FYROM to visit Brussels and Brussels.

NATO Secretary General Gen Stoltenberg briefed the Brussels European Council last week on the forthcoming NATO summit and met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Both at the information meeting of the leaders of the EU Member States that at the meeting with Mr Tsipra, Mr Stolltenberg said unequivocally that all the procedures of FYROM provided for in the framework of the Prespa agreement, then NATO will respond to the invitation to the neighboring country. For the specific statement of the Secretary General (19659002) At the same meeting, Mr Tsipras had asked Mr Stoltenberg the question of the detention of the two Greek soldiers in Turkish prisons, saying that it was "unacceptable" for on the basis of Article 1 of the Alliance, and asked the Secretary-General to play a more active role in finding a solution. He also raised the issue of Turkish delinquency in the Aegean Sea and asked NATO initiatives to stop the challenges of Ankara

At the NATO Summit, the Greek Prime Minister will have the opportunity to raise the issue of two Greek soldiers and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who is expected to meet on the sidelines of the summit. Mr. Tsipras has already asked Mr. Erdogan and the telephone conversation that he had with him to congratulate him on his re-election

The Greek Prime Minister is expected to meet other leaders on the sidelines of the NATO [19659014] window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ();

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