Tsipras and Kammenos "deliver" the national line to Skopje


Attack of the ND President to the Government regarding developments for the accession of FYROM to NATO

An Assault on Alexis Tsipras and Panos Kammenos for Skopje and the Invitation expected FYROM to join NATO Kyriakos Mitsotakis

In a statement, Kyriakos Mitsotakis says: "Three weeks ago in Prespa, Mr Tsipras and Mr Kammenos recognized Skopje as being the This was done in spite of the absolute opposition – and I can say the outcry of the citizens – and then we fought the House to prevent this development by warning against negative consequences it would – and soon enough. "

" Today in Brussels, Mrs Tsipras and Mr Kammen open the door to membership in the neighboring state of Skopje. to NATO, so they provide the most powerful bargaining weapon that Greece has been t has been the national line of the last 27 years, "notes the president of the New Democracy.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis concludes: "Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Kammenos have a great deal of responsibility for the fait accompli they create, and soon they will be judged by the Greek people as well."

Today, Mr Tsipras & Kammenos opens in Skopje at the door of NATO membership. They deliver our strongest bargaining weapon, the national line of the last 27 years. They have a lot of responsibilities for the accomplished fact that they create. They will be judged by the Greek people pic.twitter.com/YYTuL8OdqY

– Kyriakos Mitsotakis (@kmitsotakis) July 11, 2018

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