Tsipras "forced us, but he did not tell us how much he charged us"


"Unprecedented failure to confess and attempt to cheat long suffering," said the president New democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' statement in Parliament that "there are only 100 days left in power".

"We knew that the power had damaged SYRIZA, but it seems that the worry of the upcoming elections makes them want to measure time differently," said the head of the main opposition at the awards ceremony of the Chamber of Commerce of Athens awarded for sustainable, innovative and responsible entrepreneurs.

"Indeed, time counts differently, only counting backwards," he said. Mr. Tsipras, he said, is already the longest and most consistent Prime Minister. Unfortunately for Greece, this has been four years in the government. Not 100 days. It has been four years since citizens have paid dearly for them – in poverty and taxes – and that is why they will not forget them.

Not forgetting, he continued, the first seven months of 2015 and the lies that brought SYRIZA to power. Mr. Tsipras went to the edge of the cliff, dissolved the banks, imposed capital controls and defrauded the Greeks with a mock referendum. And then he signed the third memorandum. And he imposed ten billion additional measures. And he has committed the country to high primary surpluses. And he mortgaged public property for 99 years. And that prevents us from staying on the market today. Now he wants to forget everything we have lived. This is not it. Nor does it make sense to underestimate the perception of citizens.

According to Mr. Mitsotakis, the vast majority of Greeks know that the SYRIZA-ANEL government took ten of the Greeks and sent them back one. He knows that he broke the middle clbad. He knows that he is undermining the country's future. He knows that the economy remains frozen. That the investments have reached the bottom. Let the wages go down. May our young people continue to seek hope abroad.

As the folk song says, "she forced us, but she did not tell us how much she charged us," said the president of the ND. All this, he said, while the government sees economic policy as a bonus game.

According to the president of ND, Greece should not enter the vicious circle of a customer policy that provides temporary relief along with the branch on which we are all sitting. Greece wants jobs and opportunities. While Mr. Tsipras wants to condemn society to poverty and dependency.

The capital of decline, he said, should be closed. Greece must progress in a healthy and sustainable way. Release the creative forces. This must change the climate and psychology in the market. we receive the allowances – for which we voted because we know that my constituents are in need. It can not become a piecework either. The country needs a creative regeneration. He needs a government that knows where he wants to go and how he is going to go there.

Speaking about his party's program, he reiterated proposals to reduce taxes, simplify investment procedures, proceed with aggressive privatizations, create a smaller and better-equipped state. evaluation and meritocracy, solutions that will allow those who have knelt for many years crisis to recover.

In our plan, it resulted that there was a place for everyone and we would do it with the support of the citizens, with allies all the creative forces of society and the reduction of healthy entrepreneurship .

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