Tsipras: Greece is over yesterday | POLICY


Alexis Tsipras described the June 21 Eurogroup's decisions as "the great historic success of the country".

In difficult accents with the personal goal of the ND President. Kyriakos Mitsotakis yesterday launched Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, on the agenda of the economy. The Prime Minister defended the proceedings of his government, including the referendum of July 2015. While reiterating the benchmark from next August, which, according to him, would mean the exit of Greece from the tutelage. Tsipras described the June 21 Eurogroup's decision as "a great historic achievement for the country". The prime minister said his government has improved the image of the economy since January 2015, when he said he received "a dramatic situation." He then referred to all the indicators of the economy over the past three years, describing them as improved. "The situation that the country has been living for eight years ends definitively and irrevocably, and it is, finally, that you have trouble digging and reacting in a totally spasmodic way, so that the world can laugh", said Mr. Tsipras. The prime minister spoke of a "clear plan" to boost the growth dynamics of the economy and to strengthen measures to protect the world of work.

million. Tsipras referred to Mr Mitsotakis' reproach to Commissioner Pierre Moscovici. He spoke of "inconceivable aggression" to Mr. Moskovishi. "You broke it because he said that the fourth memorandum, which is your" propaganda sweet ", is the words of air, coarse lie and black propaganda. were angry, because what they said demolished the political narrative that you put in place for three years, "said Mr. Tsipras and accused Mr. Mitsotakis that in practice, in his attack against Moskovis, he did not accept only the Commissioner's badessments. , but also those of Jean-Claude Juncker and rating agencies and officials who refer positively to the course of the Greek economy

For Pensions

M. Tsipras also accused N. Papadopoulos, D. that he advocated the reduction of pensions. "By listening to your rhetoric and aggression over the last few days, the conclusion is that you want to reduce pensions and you are tempted not to apply it." That's your big fear, "he said. he says. And he added that during his last trip to Germany, the president of the New Democracy "Asked badurances that Germany will push to implement" the pension cut. The Prime Minister also stung for the ND intra-party elections in 2015, wondering what would be the course of the country today if the party's president was elected by Evangelos Meimarakis

M. Tsipras attacked the ND. and for his attitude to nomenclature. "You have decided on a crucial national issue to divide the Greeks so as not to divide and keep your party united," Tsipras said, noting that with this attitude the leadership of the ND. takes "final divorce with what you call" liberalism "and" center-right. "Mr. Tsipras also reinstated the Novartis issue, saying that Frouzis was actively involved in the campaign for the election of Mr. Mitsotakis to the presidency of New Democracy. "Greece yesterday, bankruptcy, interdependence, corruption was over. Today's and tomorrow's Greece is once again at the center of its concerns, once again proud, who can look with optimism, regain its lost dignity, regain its lost strength and become a strong economic player. . and geopolitical power in the European space ", concluded

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