Tsipras: It was not easy to meet Erdogan. I urgently asked for the return of both – Politics


Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the NATO summit.

At the heart of the meeting was the question of two Greek soldiers whose release was requested by the Prime Minister. Prior to the meeting with Erdogan, Mr. Tsipras had a communication with the Cypriot President, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis, to ensure coordination.

million. Tsipras said in his statements that he had raised the issue of Turkish provocation, which described an open wound as an open wound and the continued detention of the two Greeks by the neighbor.

He also spoke at the meeting with Erdogan, saying that it was not one of the easiest meetings. The meeting lasted two hours and, as he said, Mr Tsipras raised urgently the question of the two Greeks who were detained for four months without being charged yet. He also stated that Erdogan, for his part, raised the issue of the Turkish army and responded that he replied that Greek justice is completely independent and that for the Greek government the coup of the state that is trying to overthrow democratic legitimacy is not welcome in our country.

They also discussed the two countries' cooperation on refugees and migrants.

"I told him that Greece was turning the page in 2018, it is up to Turkey to positively transform Greek-Turkish relations, which is not yet the case, Turkish provocations and violations in Aegean Sea continue ". He said that they agreed to focus on efforts to reduce tensions in the Aegean, while the Cyprus issue was also discussed.

It has become clear that the question of both is a major problem in the relations of the two countries and an issue that does not honor the neighbor as it is an important country of the world. NATO to hold two military allies in a NATO country like Greece, Tsipras. He said that there was no clear correlation on the part of Erdogan about the fate of the two Greeks with the eight Turks. "I made him understand that the question of the eight Turks can not be related to the question of the two Greeks, it is another matter to seek asylum judged by the independent judge and another to be arrested , and Greece is asking for a little pardon the proceedings, and since they have not committed an offense – and they have not committed – to judge the proceedings and to return to their families " Mr. Tsipras

The Prime Minister was also questioned about the expulsion of Russian diplomats. "I have to defend the country's national sovereignty," he said. Greece had good relations with many countries and had resumed relations with Russia three years ago, but we have an obligation to respect our national sovereignty.

Asked about Skopje, M Tsipras noted, among other things, that no one could use the term Macedonia for Neighbor State by attacking the SW. "They told us that he was a liar, Moskovis told us that he was a liar, and Stoltenberg, who reiterated that they did not change the name and the Constitution, they did not would not become members of NATO, they say that Khan raised a border issue with Albania, ND and Mitsotakis, as well as Gennimata decided to highlight the national problems in their lifejackets, " he commented and spoke of the Mitsotakis nationalist mutiny

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