Tsipras made a political wish – Newsbeast


Evangelos Venizelos, with an extensive article on his personal Facebook account, commented on the badumption of political responsibility of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for deadly fires in Eastern Attica

The PASOK Past President says: "He gave a political" blessing "to" forgive "his responsibilities for the tragedy of Mati, without specifying them, specifying them and therefore debiting them. With a general political statement not brave but stupid. "

Finally, he parallels the tactics of this government with the" antimalamic illusion "as he usually says, to conclude that it will not work as "a face is life and the other dead."

This is the message of Evangelos Venizelos:

"Is Mr. Tsipras aware of what the expression "badumes political responsibility" and does everything, Is to say as a whole? He is aware that what he said is "I take political responsibility and stay in power, but I urge citizens to badign me political responsibility for tragic events in their conscience and in their Elections "
It seems to badume that political responsibility is a rhetoric avoid waiting for forgotten events. Weaken. Change the communication frame. That is why he reached the top of the Cabinet at the highest point of political insistence. He took politically "politically responsible" and at the same time politically "amnesty" himself and his ministers.

He made a political "blessing" to "forgive" his responsibilities for the tragedy of without specifying them, specifying them and thus imputing them. With a general political statement not brave, but madness. What he said, it is that "the old one" has been blamed for decades. He accuses "the vicious state" of the right and PASOK. This PASOK, which he calls for continuity, social public and archaic ideological identity.

Put his forehead with the oil "communicative" self-indulgence, because his theory is that, by definition, anthropologically, the "left" expressed by Mr. Tsipras "n '# 39; is not like the others, "has no responsibility for the past and will never badume any responsibility for the present and the future. In this self-destructive totalitarian theory are included companions, homogeneous brothers such as Mr. Kammenos. He gave cotton and his ministers the same "clean front" with the oil of self-existing political responsibility that is obviously "objective". It is the "responsibility of others", of previous governments, of the citizens themselves who built "arbitrarily" and so – they said – took the risk of burning alive with their children! It is not his, because in his system of values ​​as "leftist", "radical", and as a representative of the "new regime", he is not supposed to be responsible, he considers that He has historical immunity.He deals with the issues of life and death. in the way he manipulated the antimonial illusion. With the arrogance of one who, with the same turn, became prime minister. He obviously thinks that it is impossible not to "catch" and now a method that led to the electoral victory in January 2015, to the "no" triumph on July 5 and shortly thereafter, July 12, 2015, in all submission but still in electoral victory in September 2015. This same method, of the two competing sides that we see nowhere because it's still going away, considers that it can still operate in the drama of July 2018. Only one aspect is life and the other death

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