Tsipras – Rama in London with faith in finding a solution


A meeting with his Albanian counterpart was held today by the Prime Minister on the sidelines of the Western Balkan Synod in London, according to diplomatic sources.

The same information indicates that Alexis Tsipras and Eddie Rama discussed the course of the ongoing negotiations conducted by the Foreign Ministers of the two countries on a significant number of issues

. they must be discussed by both negotiating groups, the two prime ministers are expected to believe that there could be a positive result soon

Earlier, the Prime Minister told reporters in the British capital that the in the Balkans are changing. "With the agreement of Prespa, the Bulgarian-FYROM agreement, with the effort to solve the problems of Greece-Albania, with the successful Bulgarian presidency of the EU. And the revival from the Thessaloniki agenda for the enlargement of the EU. "

" From this summit, the possibility and perspective that the country can have as a leading force in the region are put But first and foremost, the perspective of Northern Greece, Macedonia and Thessaloniki as the focal point for the economic development of the Balkan region is highlighted, and Thessaloniki can become the economic capital of the Balkans. Northern Greece can become a lever for growth, the region that can be the locomotive of development for the entire Balkans, "said Tsipras

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