Tsipra's words mean nothing to the victims of fire standing in the ashes


In the increasingly fierce criticism of the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras as a result of The Atomic Killing Fires that killed at least 88 people,

According to the The agency, the prime minister and his government are accused by the fire and opposition survivors for anesthesia because they have not apologized for the most fire murderer in our country and did not stop the tragedy.

Mr. Tsipras "hastily returned from Bosnia on Monday night, just hours after the start of the deadly fire, a short distance from Athens, however, his lack of spotlights for three days rendered some scandalous people, "reports Reuters.

It is recalled that the Prime Minister declared last Friday that he badumed full political responsibility for the tragedy, but without these words having any meaning "How does he intend to pay? this political responsibility and what does political accountability mean exactly? "asks a 79-year-old man in front of his burned house. the appropriate title "The words of Tsipras mean nothing to the victims of the fire standing in the ashes".

"The words are good … but I want to tell myself and those who have disappeared, our friends … what an error if it is not his, I have reached my limits",

According to the report of the agency, "the fire of Mati revealed decades of pathogenesis in the Greek state: rebuild without permission in scattered places, and even with the tolerance of the state, while governments turned their eyes and arbitrarily legitimized homes to win votes. "

" Invisible "by Tsipras until Friday

The article also refers to the" disappearance "of the Prime Minister in the most critical period after the tragedy.

" After announced the mourning of three days, he remained invisible until last Friday. As far as we know, he did not visit any of the survivors at the hospital, the columnist said.

"He was in his office where he convened a meeting after the other with the Ministers of Protection of the Citizen, the Interior and Mayors. As the report indicates, despite the long list of fire-fighting measures announced by the government, the opposition in Greece accuses Tsipras of being blindfolded and focusing on communicative "side" "of the crisis and not" essentially ".

Unlike the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis went to the affected areas this week and comforted those affected. "A TV channel showed a woman crying in her arms," ​​says the article, which then refers to Panos Kammenos 'visit to Mati, where the defense minister was confronted with firefighters' anger.

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