Turkey: A coup attempt – Two years later


Two years ago, they are now completing the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, which, according to official figures, has killed 251 people and injured thousands. of persecutions and mbadive liquidations that caused

With the completion of two years from this day, memories of the bloody events that marked and changed Turkey remain fresh in the country, both by the government and by anti-government.

Last year, hundreds of thousands of people walked the streets of Turkey, most of them supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Erdogan inaugurated a monument dedicated to the victims of the coup d'etat. Missed state in Asia side of the Martyrs Bridge on July 15th.

After two years, the landscape of the Bosphorus Bridge does not remind us of the tragic events that took place at the time. On the night of July 15 to 16, 2016, the place was one of the main hotbeds of the coup attempt in Turkey. Military tanks were fired on the bridge, everywhere there were blows

For the Turkish government it was immediately clear that the promoter of the events was the Islamic preacher, Fetallah Gullen. The same conclusion was drawn by an investigating committee in the Turkish Parliament. Since then, an unprecedented wave of persecution has begun. About 77,000 people were arrested as suspected terrorists or suspected terrorists. Many more than 100,000 people lost their jobs, while about 140 media were pushed to close.

Turkish President Erdogan then called on citizens to take to the streets to support him by halting the coup d'etat. The answer to his request was mbadive. Since then, the country has changed its face. President Erdogan initiated the change of government into a presidential democracy with exaggerated rewards for himself. The state of emergency that has been in force since then in the country can be lifted according to Erdogan next week. However, the disturbing deterioration of the Turkish economy shows that the return to normality is far from certain.

Today, the Turkish President will attend a ceremony on the Constantinople Bridge, the "Martyrs' Bridge on July 15" for his second anniversary

Initially, he will attend a commemorative ceremony to be held at Ankara as part of the "Day of Democracy and National Unity of July 15"

naftemporiki.gr with information from DW, Anadolu

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