Twitter has suspended 70 million user accounts for May and June


Some countries are more cautious about the use of social media in the US, US intelligence says that the Russians reversed the presidential election in 2016, and social networking sites played a role key. With so many issues, the same organizations are waiting for a reminder in the weeks leading up to the 2018 elections. Despite the news related to this issue, it's still amazing that Twitter has stopped the accounts at more than one point. 39 million, according to the Washington Post.

In the past two months, more than 70 million Twitter accounts have been suspended and the number doubled last October. The data collected by the Washington Post shows that the suspensions in July are proceeding at exactly the same pace and, of course, this will have a negative impact on Twitter and its shareholders. An anonymous person claims that Twitter will report a decrease in the number of monthly users for the second quarter.

This change in the number of suspensions shows that Twitter thinks differently now, and Del Harvey, vice president of Twitter and security and trust expert, said in a recent interview that they have developed a technology to find the accounts who should suspend their operation. It has also forced Twitter to decide that public safety is more important than "free expression." Harvey said in an interview last week that freedom of expression means nothing if people do not feel safe

The trolling Russian factory known as the Internet Research Agency, which has been charged in the United States. By a grand jury, with 13 Russian citizens and two other companies, had more than 3,000 Twitter accounts in the 2016 elections. More than 50,000 automated accounts were linked to the Russian government at the time, according to Twitter. 19659005] Since the end of last year, Twitter has about 330 million active monthly users.


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