Two years after her death, Carrie Fischer will play in the new Star Wars!


"Star Wars: Episode IX" will be released theaters in December 2019

The actor Cary Fischer, who died in 2016, will be featured in the new Star Wars movie using unused equipment in his film of 2015 "Star Wars: The power wakes up."

This was announced Friday by Disney. In the new film, which will begin shooting in London on August 1, actor Mark Hamil will appear even though Star Wars star, Luke Skyewker, seems to die in Star Wars: The Last Daya last year.

The movie "Star Wars: Episode IX" will be released in cinemas in December 2019.

The story continues after the death of Luc Skaiwooker in the last episode. Fischer, who co-starred with Princess Leia, participated in this film, but died suddenly in December 2016 at the age of 60 after a heart attack. Once the film "The Last Jedi" finished, Fischer will play a central role in the following film: "We love Carl Fischer a lot," commented director Z. Abraham, who will direct the new film, in a statement
" We could not imagine how we could find a satisfying ending to the history of Skaiway without it. "With the support and blessings of Billy's daughter, we found a way to honor the artist. Cary's legacy and his role as Leah in the episode "

IX using unmanaged material that we collected in episode VII", concluded,

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