Tzanakopoulos: the prime minister's top priority at the NATO summit, the issue of two military | POLICY


In addition to the other issues to be discussed at the NATO summit in Brussels on 11 and 12 July, the Prime Minister "has for priority the question of the two Greek soldiers illegally detained in Turkey for four months". [19659002Leministred"StateandPortofGovernment"DemitrisZanakopoulosenainformelespoliticreditors

stressing that "the issue will be raised in all interventions and meetings of the Prime Minister in order to exert maximum pressure".

He commented that "given this outstanding dispute with the neighbor, it is the least incomprehensible, if not prejudicial, presence of Ms. Bakoyannis in the inauguration ceremony of Mr. Erdogan without any agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "

Mr. Tzanakopoulos pointed out that" we would expect from ND who was overwhelmed by the initiative of Mr. Erdogan's visit to Greece and who likes to accuse the Greek government for the 39, entropy and minorities to be more cautious with the messages that are "

" Government leadership to reshape the labor market and raise the minimum wage "

" Today Is being presented to the plenary of the House for discussion and vote the draft law of the Ministry of Labor which further protects the rights of workers and sets clear rules in areas of the labor market hitherto totally unregulated. "said the government spokesman

. an architecture of the fines for undeclared work, with hardening of the fines in case of recidivism but also with possibility of deduction of a fine only if the full-time employee is recruited directly

It also concerns the establishment of joint and several liability of the contracting authority, the contractor and the subcontractor against the employees in the execution of an badigned work

It also includes provisions for internships and the As well as for the protection of unaccompanied refugee minors as well as insurance arrangements. He intervenes after a series of government interventions to reshape the labor market, protect workers and strengthen their bargaining power.

"The political leadership of the government is next time – and with the larger spaces of freedom that it offers to leave the Memorandum – step up interventions to re-regulate the labor market but also take the necessary initiatives to raise the minimum wage to end the cycle of deregulation and the labor jungle imposed in 2010-2014, "said the government spokesman, adding that" in this effort, we know that Mr. Mitsotakis is talking about the eighth obsolete, but also of the BSE that insists on working with purely political motives. "

Source: RES BETA

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