Tzeni Halidakis: His shocking confession for the rape that he accepted! | New




H Tzeni Hyaloudaki she suddenly became known many years ago because of her relationship with the prosecutor of the time, Rhodes, George Sakellaropoulos.

She then made her noisy run on TV screens and Greek TV shows and now lives on everything in the Sitia region.

On the occasion of the World Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, she participated in a series of photographs by the graphic designer Manos Eughettis, in which 12 women from Crest.

The swollen face, bruised by the right eye and the blood flowing from his nose, the Tzeni Hyaloudaki She confessed to the rape committed by three men many years ago and posted on her personal Facebook account the picture of her campaign and her stunning story.

"Late in the night they tore me up on Jan. 18 ……… 3 monster men ….. they hit me, they hit my body, my soul and my mind … 3 men caught me, 3 days they raped me … they threw me in an alley and they told me that s & # 39; 39 they were talking, they would kill me ……. I picked up my pieces and I fell in the arms of my mother who was still there it is hard for me ….. 3 men caught me, 3 days hurt me, 3 days cried for it ….. and then ….. I got up …. … and I talked ….. .. and I will always talk and write about it …….. the 3 monsters are still in prison …. after me, they were also recognized by but their victims …. all we stopped These monsters ….. there are many but still there …… speak … you can … … for you, for all of us .. …… today is the j International day for the eradication of violence against women ….. do not be afraid …. speak ……. started today ……. Wrote, among others, Jenny Halidakis.

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