UN: The EU is facing a political crisis, not a migration crisis


The European Union is not facing a migration crisis, despite its "toxic narrative" and its political exploitation, said today UN experts on the issue of immigration

Migration conflicts have divided the European Union. Within governments, there are different perspectives on the responsibilities of migrants crossing the Mediterranean. The problem threatened to provoke the fall of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and was a major factor in Britain's withdrawal from the EU.

"We think it's a political crisis, not an immigration crisis.The numbers are not that important," says Leonard Doyle, International Organization of the United Nations Immigration (IOM)

. "We want the toxic tale against immigrants to be clear, to limit people to see it as it is. It's a necessary part of the world." Modern, provided it is managed.The problem is that the perception of the world is that it is out of control, "he said.

The number of people at risk for sea travel peaked in 2015, but they are decreasing significantly each year. In the first half of 2018, 46,449 immigrants and refugees entered the EU by sea, according to the IOM

"This is not a crisis," says Charlie Yakselley, a spokesman for from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. "But what is still happening is that a small number of countries have a disproportionate burden to welcome newcomers."

"Which European countries must cooperate with the countries of the Mediterranean region and establish an equitable distribution of However," although the number of people crossing the Mediterranean has decreased (…) the proportion of those who die during this pbadage has greatly increased, T notes To this day, in 2018, more than 1,400 people lost their lives during the journey, several hundred of whom follow the central Mediterranean route to Italy and Malta, according to IOM data.

In the first six months of 2018, one in 19 people who tried to cross the Mediterranean died there, compared to 1 in 38 in the same period in 2017.

June was even more deadly, according to the Yaxtley, as one man in seven found the i

Source: RES

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