United States: Director of the Environmental Protection Agency – World Resigned


US President Donald Trump today announced the resignation of Chief of the EPO, Scott Prout, who is facing investigations into the spending decisions he has made during the course of his life. his travels and his safety.

"I accepted the resignation of Scott Prout from the post of EPA chief," he added.

He added that deputy director of the service Andrew Wilhelm would occupy the position of CEO of the EPA. Monday

Prout pointed out the expenses he had spent as a minister with luxury travel in the first place, permanent bodyguards to protect him, excessive expenses, rents that were beneficial to him [19659002] Dozens of Democratic politicians, members The House of Representatives had prompted Trab to demand his resignation.

Proud himself in a statement to the House of Representatives in April argued that the allegations of his ethical violations were false and that their purpose was to derail the political agenda of President Trab

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