United States: Reunification of children under 5 with World Families


All children of illegal immigrants under the age of 5 and separated from their parents on the US-Mexican border will be reunited with their families until early morning, if the law provides for it, said a government official

For its part, the United States Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has launched legal proceedings against the government on the policy of segregation of families of irregular migrants, rejects this request [19659002] "Their statement is the least vague," said lawyer Lee Gellert, noting that a San Diego judge had set a deadline last Tuesday for the reunification of children under five with their parents

The US Government notes that some children can not be reunited with their parents, either because they have been deported, or because they have a criminal record or other legal obstacle [19659002] Judge Denise Sambrou of San Diego had asked the government to reunite children under the age of 5, about 230, with their parents until Tuesday, and all children without distinction of age up to the age of five. July 26th.

The government announced that about 2,300 children have separated from their parents at the border, on the basis of Trab's "zero tolerance" policy, abandoned in June after violent reactions

Gellert has stressed that the government is far from reuniting all children under 5 years their parents, and added that they have not been informed how many children have already found their parents. "I asked the government for figures and he should have given them to me," he said.

According to the latest information released Tuesday by the government, four children under five were reunited with their families and at least 34 would still be with their parents until the end of the day

These Figures suggest that the government will not be able to meet the 26 July deadline for the remaining 2,000 children over 5 years old.

On his side, he came back on Twitter to a Democrats truck, among other things, on the "ruined" as he described it as an asylum system. "Judges are in charge of the system and illegal traffickers know how it works, they just benefit children!", He wrote.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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