"We were very clear in our badessment of Russia's involvement in the 2016 elections and its continued efforts to undermine our democracy ". (19659003) The United States intelligence services have been clear about the threat posed by Russia's political involvement and will continue to "provide rough and objective estimates of the secrets". "US President Donald Trump left on Monday, having met his Russian counterpart in Helsinki, that he had no reason to believe in the US intelligence services," said US chief of intelligence Dan Couch.
but he trusts Vladimir Putin when he states that his country was not involved in the pre-election process in 2016.
"We were clear in our badessment of Russian participation in the elections of 2016 and persistence, "
Later and after the reactions, Trab posted a comment on Twitter saying that he has great confidence in the people of US intelligence services, and stressing however that states United States and Russia must be fine
"I have great faith in my secret service people, but I also recognize that to build a better future, we can not focus exclusively on the past – because the two largest nuclear powers of the world must be well, "said Trab, with a post on Twitter
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