Portugal has mobilized unprecedented aid as a result of a heat wave that is expected to hit the country on Wednesday, to prevent the risk of catastrophic fires that killed 112 people last year, announced today the Minister of the Interior. "This year, we will mobilize the largest number of forces ever created: 10,700 men and women across the country, including volunteer firefighters, police or even soldiers," Portuguese director Eduardo Cabrieta said.
"We doubled the structure of the permanent intervention team" from "500 to 1,050 men and women", which could be supported by "56 air vehicles," he added.
Portugal will have to face very high temperatures, reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius per region, according to forecasts from the Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere of Portugal (IPMA).
Faced with these weather forecasts, control operations especially on (1969006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (which is the most vulnerable area of the country) f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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