With an unusual statement on his position, which also suggests the seriousness of the case, the US ambbadador to Athens, Jeffrey Paith, felt the need to deny the comment of Adonis Georgiades.
The Vice President of New Democracy posted his message on Twitter to give an anti-government dimension to Marinaki's maritime accord with a US Commerce Minister.
By asking questions about the exact nature of this agreement, as well as its symbolism, while the media of the Marinaki group tried to present it as … a triumphant presumption of innocence, just like Adonis, the American ambbadador needed six words for "The narrative.
More precisely, half an hour after the publication on Adonis Georgiadis of Twitter, with which he had rushed to marry the Marinaki affair, using – on the other hand – one of the "Young", Jeffrey Path answered that "The titles are wrong, my friend. "
The front page of "The Youth" mentioned "a strategic agreement between Evangelos Marinakis and Wilbour Ross, Capital Product Partners, the interests of the Greek shipowner and DSS Holdings, interests of the US Secretary of Commerce, merge and modify the data. in the field of international maritime transport. "
Adonis therefore tried to support an aggressive speech towards the government and innocent for Marinakis, but receiving the immediate response of the American ambbadador, which creates a special feeling.
"Firstly, it is impossible for the United States to allow their minister to sign such an agreement if they doubt the legitimacy of Marinakis' money and that his partner is now the Tsipra's official guest at the TIF, "writes the vice president of New Democracy.
"The titles are wrong, my friend," says Jeffrey Path.
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