USA: 313 Honduran children have been separated from their parents – the world


More than 300 children in Honduras who were separated from their parents in the name of the "zero tolerance" policy put in place by the Donald Trub government to fight irregular immigration were identified by the consulate of Central American country in the United States, announced its executive Thursday.

"Our consular network has identified 313 children separated from their families at various meetings and refugee visits," said at a press conference given by the head of the Honduran consulate for the protection of [19659002] On May 7, the Donald Trub government ordered parents to be separated from children when illegal immigrants were captured at the US border with Mexico for illegal entry into the country before a former president canceled the measured by a decree in late June, after the indignation that was provoked and the pressures exerted on him at home and abroad.

Separated families to meet until July 26, specifying that Honduran consular staff and Honduran Foreign Minister Maria Euenja Aguero are making efforts to obtain more complete information on separated children from their family

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