USA: Judge Calls Parents Of Children Separated From The Border – World


<img title = "Φωτογραφία ΑΠΕ" alt = "A California federal judge on Friday hailed the US government's efforts to reunite the families of irregular migrants but demanded that now more than 400 other children whose parents have already been expelled from the United States be called

Judge Denisa Sambro had ordered all "eligible" families to be reunited at 6:00 pm on Thursday (1:00 pm Friday time of Greece).

This calendar is considered by the US government as the 700+ Thursday evening were "ineligible" cases: the parents were not confirmed, the parents had a criminal record, they were carriers of contagious diseases, or they could not be found [19659002] Sambron JA Recognized at San Diego Hearing "RTI" The "family reunification" process was "completed" and he added that, according to him, the government "m congratulated "for having respected the deadline fixed by him.

However, he turned attention to the "second stage" fate of the 400 children whose parents have already been expelled from the United States

"Finding parents in Mexico and Central America will be a task long and difficult, "Steven Kang, ACEU's lawyer, defense of civil and individual liberty

Judge Sambru also said Friday that he wished to have one more, the" third " step: set up a "protocol" for "getting together"

Donald Trub's "zero tolerance" policy, which lasted from April to June, led to the imprisonment of thousands people who had entered the United States illegally, both economic migrants. as well as asylum seekers. 19659004] But that meant at the same time that thousands of children, between 2,000 and 3,000, arrived with their parents were separated and transferred to centers of the Ministry of Health, often thousands of kilometers from the place of detention of their parents.

The outcry in and out of the country was so great that President Trab was forced to resign in June, when his order put an end to the systematic separation of parents and children

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