Uzunidis: No problem with Lyberopoulos, no uncertainty about transfers – AEK


But Marinos Ouzounidis is clear and categorical "We will be ready August 7, because there is an official race obligation" Responses for the race track

As for transfers "I do not feel safe or something goes wrong, I know that there is an effort and I am optimistic that some players will come soon to the team", was However, shortly before the return of the AEK mission to Athens, Ouzounidis spoke about everything.To build the team, for its strengthening philosophy, for the existing trunk, for the system, for the players who can leave, for the young footballers, for the friendlies.He talked about everything about his own AEK, that he builds in his own way.At the moment we are, can we make a preparation badessment or first conversation for group knowledge [1 9459007]

"Mainly a first acquaintance. Most of the children I knew as an opponent, I know them now, I see them well and their bad ones, it's still early for the conclusions, and I'm generally happy with the work that children do up to the end. now, from the mood that they show learn what i want, we needed that stage of preparation, to tell them better, to learn the best.The daily routine always shows you other things than football and the character's theme, so this step was important for me to have a picture of the

– All players have up to Here talked about a different approach to the game of the team. Are you ready to be ready for the first match in Europe?

"The training is still not very regular, but this step is mostly at the level of fitness, but we certainly tried to give him things to develop the game I want, we will have done things until the first game, but that 's our goal, it' s not our goal to be friendly, the goal is to d & # 39; be ready in the first game, where we focus, everything is based on this match.We do not prepare for the friendly match I am optimistic that until the first game we will have done things for the style of play that I want the team to have. "

" I have no feelings with the translations "

– According to the original schedule, in preparation here in Kielce, you wanted to have two players by transcription. What went wrong with the programming? How safe are you with the equipment you have in your hands?

" First of all, let 's say a few things: First, this material with two or three deductions last year took the championship to these players and there is some trust and I can make them even better, as individual players.

And better individual players, that means a better team as a whole.Transcripts in preparation, but from there, c & rsquo; Is a period π

The fact that some of the teams that were not favorites did not help transcripts all over the world, and I can explain that a player The Argentinian leaving a team and going to another will not create a big domino in the transcripts, but if an example of Sweden or Croatia leaves, by doing a transcription, a domino starts .This did not help much. It's now the period that starts and moves the s transcriptions.


I am aware of everything that is being done and why I can go ahead or break up transcripts. So I do not feel insecure or anything will go wrong. I know that there is an effort and I am optimistic that some players will come soon to the team. But do not underestimate the children who are already in the group. "

– The relationship of Uugendidis with Lyberopoulos

" What to answer? What is the problem? When some transcripts are delayed, everyone tries to find a problem. There is no problem. Even when we were in Panathinaikos, there was a problem as they did, and there are more.

– According to the information you have, when do you expect transfers? players who have already come (Albanis, Economou, Yannickoglou) …

"You can not know when a transcript will be made, and last week we talked to footballers, we thought that we can not find the solution Finally, this is not the case Transfers are finished when the player signs the sign We can be close to some players As with Ponce, we had agreed with the Roma, but for various reasons, it was not the case so it is not easy to know I will talk about the children here They are working children who are trying to get into the group climate. has experience and he has to adapt to mine.Albanian I knew him from the Greek league.

I know what he has.I know what elements to add to his game to become better players Yannickoglou is a child who works. ssons the role for which he came. And here I want to say something about transcripts. When we judge a transcript, we should know why a transcript was made. There are players who come for the first solution and there are players who come for a second solution and there are players who come for a specific role in the team.

Thus, the criticism that must be made to them is according to what we want ours to do. I am generally happy with all the children of their efforts and the mood that they seem to adapt to my own desire. I am not someone that I can ask in two weeks to do everything perfectly. I am not one of the coaches who are interested in winning a friendly match. If you want to win a friendly match, it's very easy. Barcelona and Real can both win in a friendly match. You relax your team, you refresh, you find it tired, you come back and you win. I am not one of these coaches. I want to see more errors in a friendly so that I can fix them. Whether through individual work or group work, I can work on these mistakes. "

– With connected is it still open

" I do not have "


– You have chosen not to make doubles every day and it is something new, and you will explain it differently

"Every coach has a way of to work differently, to have a different style and philosophy, I do not know what happened before, the fact is that we work, everything is done in cooperation with the price, how can we be ready on the 7th of It's the goal. "The training is the intensity that should be for the team to work this time." We can run the players from morning till night and say we're fed up

We have changed things in football There are teams that do simple, there are teams pes who do three workouts. It is that every trainer sees it. We work that way, it's like that. And if it's fair or not, we'll be judged during the season. "

– At the first training session in Spata, you said that players should not stay in what they did last year. Do you feel that they have a burden now that they have to stay at the top? "

" This must give them more confidence and confidence in themselves There is currently a group of players who have taken the championship and have made a good run in Europe.I must pay attention to which player I will put in this group.Furthermore, it must be accepted by the players themselves. That he who has come is good and that he will help them.

This is the first and then he will love the world. The choice must therefore be careful and specific and the player who will come must have different elements than the players already in the team.I will give you an example.

I have seen many players who have the same style as Yakoumaki. Good Players But why should I get this player and not help Yakumaki to become better? There are many good players who have nothing more than Livia. Why can I have them? To say how we made transcripts? How did we bring someone to the group? I want players to come, that they have different elements from those already in place.

– Why some players that the AEK was trying to transcribe?

"I am looking for a player who will be accepted, first by his teammates" players with different features than existing ones. We have defensive defenses this year and Chosic, which did not exist last year. This year we also have Mandalos, which last year and it was not.

We must know what we are asking. To bring another Mandala, why? In the aggressive part, I want someone to be good in one against one, to have a little speed, to move in space, to have elements that we miss


" The one who does what I want, will play "

– The promotion of young players Is it one of your goals?

"In which groups I was, everyone can say what he wants, but the fact is that I'm I have tried, improved and raised many new players. I have to do it now. The goal of the team can be the championship. The goal can be Europe. Regardless of whether these young kids will play or not play, my job and work is to improve them. These are badets of the team, they are players who can have a future in the team, so my job is to improve them. I can only advise the players of the first team. I know these guys also want help and advice from the coach. From there, whether they are evolving or progressing, it is also a question of whether a person is good or how well they fit their trainer's desire to become better. It does not matter to me if a player is new or old. Does he do my job? Do what I want? "

The involvement of extreme backgammon and aggressive play is a feature that you want the AEK to have in the New Year

" Right now Team does not have clbadic wings. So we have to find a way to increase the width of the attack. In fact, we play with our tens at the end. It is therefore necessary to find a mode of play and a mode of development that the solution can give to the bak. We must work on it. We have to go back up stocks to have better growth. That is why I say that I expect to see things from one day to the next.

I want to see efforts, I want to see the mood, to do them. The players themselves will give us the best style. I may want some things, but the players themselves through the workouts can show you how good you are, but we can not. There the coach has to be flexible and change it. If we see that some things are not done the way we want, we can change them. The important thing is to find a way to play, so that the badets of the players can be seen. Make the most of the potential of the players. Do not look at their disadvantages. "

– How will the AEK of Uzunidis be different from that of Himeneth? What characteristics will you keep and what will you change?

"There is a lot of respect for the former coach and his work.I do not want to get into the process of comparison, it's a mistake to say it to a coach, I have some, I believe in myself and I'm going to work on it – compare it. "


"Goals are at through the team, the team will make me a good coach. "" The presence of the team, what I want is to stay on top and make good progress in Europe, and that Is what we will try to do in my way of working and my way of thinking, there is nothing else. "

Is it a greater burden on your mind, the fact that you have a championship team and you have to keep the title?"

"I think that a difference and something that I have overcome is to enter the process of thinking about what the world will say. I escaped this room. I know what I can give, I know who I am. I have confidence in myself. Football is a strange sport. You can do a good job and not get the result you want. I am afraid of nothing and I feel no burden. On the contrary, I feel very good about being in a team that is great. "

– Does the job consist primarily of being ready for the first European match in August or for the entire season? This combination?

" C & # 39 is our job. And be the team in August and go out the year. That's why I said that I could, for example, in view of the friendly match with AEK Larnaca, do not do double training, refresh the team and show that the # The team was flying. And everyone writes how the team is ready

I m not care about it completely. What interests me at this point is to get to the fitness level we want, to take the minutes of a few players to get ready a bit, I'm interested in not having of problems

The goal of the coach is to be ready in August and throughout the year. It's our planning and that's how we work. The old coaches say we'll be ready in two months. But in two months you will not be, you will be gone if the team is not ready. If there are official matches, the team must be ready. "


– There are three players, Morań, Ejdarevich and Klonaridis, who came out of one will have another chance

" L & Opportunity of the coach, the player requests it. In young children, the coach can give them the opportunity. In experienced players, they must ask. I am generally satisfied with the work they do. I know that Clonaridis and I worked with him and I was very happy and I was sad when he went to AEK. It's a child who works, who trusts her, who wants psychology. I think it's going to help us, it will be a much better year than last year. "

– Θα υπάρξουν αποχωρήσεις;

" Ας μην μιλάμε για αρνητικά αυτή την περίοδο. Αυτή την περίοδο θα πρέπει να βγάζουμε θετικά πράγματα. Ανάλογα. Μπορεί να έρθουν κάποιοι παίκτες … Όταν έρθουν κάποιοι παίκτες, κάποιοι άλλοι φεύγουν. Αυτό είναι κάτι που θα γίνει σε συνεργασία με τους ανθρώπους της ομάδας, οπότε θα δούμε "

– Έχετε στο μυαλό σας την τριάδα στην άμυνα, όταν αμύνεται η ομάδα;.

" Δεν θα σας τα δείξω όλα. Υπάρχει και αυτό. Θα το δουλέψουμε. Ό α α α α α ο ο ο ο ο ο ο……… Σιγά – σιγά, βήμα το βήμα, θα προχωρήσουμε. Ακόμα και στον τρόπο ανάπτυξης, έχουμε επικεντρωθεί σε δυο – τρεις τρόπους. Πρέπει πρώτα να το κάνουμε αυτό καλά, να τον αυτοματοποιήσουμε αυτόν τον τρόπο και μετά να προχωρήσουμε σ 'άλλον. Θα δουλέψουμε και με τριάδα. Αυτό που με ενδιαφέρει αυτή την στιγμή είναι να προσπαθήσουμε να δουλέψουμε το δύσκολο που είναι το επιθετικό κομμάτι. Το αμυντικό είναι το εύκολο. Και το εύκολο μέσα σε μια εβδομάδα, μπορούν τα παιδιά να καταλάβουν τι θα κάνουν. Στο ποδόσφαιρο πολλές φορές μπλέκουμε στα σχήματα. Για μένα το πρώτο πράγμα, είναι να ξεκινάς από τα βασικά. Όταν ο παίκτης ξέρει να κάνει σωστά τα βασικά, μετά είναι εύκολο να προσθέσεις πράγματα "

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Photo credits: Eurokinissi

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