Vassilis Maillis: 11-year-old Genius Finished College at 11 -He Wants to Become the New Hawking [εικόνες]


Two Years When William (Vbadilios) Maillis Fooled the Audience at his Penn-Trafford Graduation Ceremony Lyceum in Pittsburgh reciting Old Greek Bible words and explaining Cardesio's statements

He was then only nine years old.

Last Saturday, the young homogeneous child miracle marked him as early as the age of five – graduated from Saint Petersburg College in Florida and is now preparing himself for more He has spent his studies at the University of South Florida, as he told a local newspaper, in an interview given to the Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, the parish of his father, the Father Petrus Maillis. 19659004] From the age of seven months, William – who was originally from Kalymnos – spoke with complete suggestions. He learned to add and delete before closing the two, knew the alphabet in three languages ​​a year later, and in four years, his older brother had already taught algebra. When he was five, he read a 209-page book one night and woke up the next day to solve complicated problems "It looked like a toy" his father said. In a video that he puts himself on YuuTube, his pride is four years to solve equations and at the same age he explains his lack of life on the planet Mars.

The psychologist Joan Rutzac of the Ohio University, who dealt with Williams, said that children like him are born one time out of ten million and that they have a tendency inherent in altruism. "Genies tend to do good, they focus on the larger picture of humanity" he says. And as he points out, one of the biggest hurdles they encounter on their way is that the level of elementary and secondary education does not satisfy their strong minds, they feel alienated by their peers. College "Imagine a much better place for the wonders of the child.People accept them … They have more common interests with an eight-year-old genius than their peers."

 With the father of his father

experiences of the homogeneous little. When he went to college, his clbadmates wondered if he had made fun of them

"How old are you?" They asked him.

Soon, they discovered that the child did not do it alone, but was also distinguished in lessons

 William Maillis, 11, in the holy temple of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Peace in Florida (19459021) </p>
<p>  His father recalled a conversation with a history teacher who told him that his son had overcome all his clbadmates in a discussion on the subject. 20th century event that had the biggest impact on humanity. Williams replied that it was the First World War. He explained the domino effect that triggered: the Great Depression in the United States, the rise of racism and fascism in Europe, the Second World War, the Cold War … One of the 11-year time is to consider alternative history: <em> "What would happen if France won the Seven Years' War, or Germany in the Second World War?" </em> </p>
<p>  But his greatest interest attracts space. In August, the young man will begin his studies in physics to be able, later, in the near future, to pursue a career in astrophysics and work at NASA <em> "My goal is to obtain my Ph.D. what I close 18 "</em> he says. He has specific plans to make use of his knowledge: <em> "I want to prove through God the existence of God so that the world can know the truth." </em></p>
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William has his own theory that atheism is also based on faith and religion, and that it is more likely that the universe is a creation of greater strength to a random incident "Science and religion do not differ" he says. "Science is a tool for explaining the world, it does not prove that there is no God"

  A Greek genius of blood   With his family

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