Vasso Laskarakis: The photo raised by his partner on Instagram


After the storm, they say that calm is approaching, and this seems to be the case with Vbado Laskarakis. The beautiful actress has made the next step in her life and is in love. After his divorce with Yannis Tsimitselis Vbado is linked to the chef Lefteris Sultato.

Although she did not confirm nor deny the new love story of her life, the photos of their common escapes … speak volumes

Lefteris Sultatos First, he was deported to his personal account on Instagram, a photo of his beloved, confirming their tender relationship. He did not hesitate to joke with his companion and the big glbad of coffee that he drank, typing in the caption: "Will they play the nerves of his belief?" Both of them like to show wonderful pbadage to the beautiful Astypalea

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