Eighteen people appeared on Tuesday, July 17, in a court in Chennai, India, accused of systematically raping 11-year-old children within seven months.
They hypnotized the girl and threatened to kill her if she revealed her tragedy. They are workers in the complex of 300 apartments where a teenager from 23 to 66 years old lives.
They were robbed when they arrived in court. Lawyers who refused to take them. This is the first time that the Association of Supreme Court Lawyers in Chennai (the third most multicultural region of India) refuses to do what she has sworn.
Union President, Mohana Krishnan, said that "after seeing the incident and the situation of the victim,]: Dramatic visuals of Mahila's court in Chennai where lawyers hit the 18 accused, who badually injure an 11-year-old girl over a period of 7 months. #TamilNadu pic.twitter.com/8ASDOlm7gW
– ANI (@ANI)
July 17, 2018
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