Vitsas: After eight years, we take our fortune into our hands


It was not a cornerstone of Germany to Greece, the decision made by the Eurogroup last Thursday was a matter of attachment to the authorities, the Minister of Migrations Politik Dimitris Vitsas commented

"Tsakalotos had the solution in his pocket". in an interview with the TV channel STAI the minister and added that the typology in Europe is a basic principle. "It was a very small issue that could be easily resolved, finance ministers were ready to solve it," he added, adding that he was not expecting a postponement delivery from Germany but from the Visegrad countries [19659002] However, he noted that there was nothing to cause a problem, some procedures had to be done in the German Parliament and yesterday the MES has approved the last 15 billion euros for Greece

. will negotiate commitment based on the results. The fact that the EFPA is surplus is an argument to use, for example, he said.

We take our fortune into our hands after eight very difficult years but the next day is not the day of the golden spoon with a donation policy. Our central goal is to reduce unemployment and empower those most affected, Vitsas said.

After August 21, Greek society in Europe will have to deal with the markets. They can comment, but to the extent that we are in line with our objectives, there is no one else to tell us anything, the minister said.

For the two Greek soldiers, he says that hope comes true. The problem is that our country will continue to push back these two children who are detained for 4 months and 15 days without even being charged

. This process must be completed. In a quick way, Turkey will have to return them, he said.

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