Vladimir Kyriakidis: What did he reveal about Murmoura?


In the magazine "TV24" and the journalist Konstantina Garneli questioned Vladimiros Kyriakidis . The famous actor mentioned the departure of Daphne Lamproianni, from the successful series of Alpha "Do not start the murmur." As he said the first shot without the television "Marina" will be very difficult.

"I'm sure I'm a grandfather and I can not wait to see the new Panagiotis Christopoulos scenarios to see what he's going to invent to make me do." I appreciate each episode and I'm surprised every time I read the next episode.I guess I'm going to die my beloved but comic.I will cry and you will laugh. " Vladimir Kyriakidis

Also, regarding the replacement of Daphne Lambrogianni he said that nothing is certain yet. Specifically, she said, "I do not know if she will be a husband, a friend, a girlfriend, a sister, we'll see him soon."

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