Vodafone and Samsung create the first RV store in Greece


Vodafone Greece and Samsung Electronics Hellas created the first virtual reality store in Greece and offer consumers the opportunity to discover a store in a virtual reality environment

Vodafone Virtual Reality Shop powered by Samsung allows consumers to see , through the Samsung Gear VR in a 360-degree virtual reality environment, a wide range of Samsung devices in all colors available. It also offers him the opportunity to apply smartphones boxes and choose the products that meet his needs, with the help of a digital badistant.

The completion of the transaction and the receipt of the product are done at the Vodafone natural store. and immediacy in the customer's digital experience. To celebrate this unique innovation, Vodafone offers a 40% discount for purchases made exclusively through the VR Store

The first virtual reality store, fruit of the collaboration of Vodafone Greece with Samsung Electronics Hellas, will remain specially designed space in Golden Hall until August 4th. He will then travel to the Mediterranean cosmos of Thessaloniki from August 31st to September 15th, then to the Athens commercial center from September 20th to October 6th.

[19659003] "Vodafone builds networks for a better future, we steer the market into the future by investing and innovating, and we want to guide our customers in the future through exciting new technologies that will improve their lives A world with faster access to information, more amenities in everyday life, unlimited possibilities for communication and entertainment Today we present for the first time in Greece, a complete virtual reality experience that takes off the customer's digital journey and provides insight into the future, as the selection and ordering of products is entirely via virtual reality, "said Vodafone Greece, Mr Aris Georgopoulos

"Samsung has a long history as a leading company in the development of innovative technologies, offering unique experiences and transferring his clients to a new and surprising reality. With the first virtual reality store in Greece, our goal was to redefine the buying experience, "said Aris Paraskevopoulos, director of the mobile phone division of Hellas Electronics, and added," With the First Virtual Reality Store, we not only combine the know-how our hardware and software, and our leadership in creating opportunities and experiences that seemed impossible for a while. "

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