Walmart stopped selling t-shirts with a slogan against Trump


Walmart retailer announced yesterday that it has stopped selling jerseys under the motto "Refer to 45th Trial", a report to US President Donald Trump, following a boycott campaign that has made his supporters

Walmart sold various clothes, from t-shirts for adults to babies with prints "Impeach 45" or "Impeach Trump". But the "resistance" movement of the company was faced with the same resistance by supporters of the 45th US President

On July 2, Ryan Fournier, a prominent supporter of Trab, put Twitter on a message addressed at Walmart: "Why do you sell baby clothes with the" Impeach 45 "print on your site?", he asked the company, using the hashtag "boycott Walmart."

The reactions caused by the tweet were varied. that there is no anti-American attitude and another promise that they boycott

chain stores. "Wal-Mart has the right to sell shirts with the inscription" Attack 45 ", but as consumers, we have the right to boycott for this reason. That's the beauty of capitalism, "commented Fournier, also on Twitter

. Other consumers however pointed out that Walm also sells items such as hats and glbades with the Tramp slogan "Make America Great Again".

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