We are against the conservative policies of SW and SYRIZA


"We are playing a leading role on the political scene by strengthening our influence and reversing the current political ties," said Fofi Gennimata at a workshop organized by the Movement of Change on "We Change the World". State – We strengthen the autonomy ".

"We unite, express and multiply the forces of progressive space.We are moving forward with determination towards the big and strong center-left.We are going forward with those who want and can, and every day, and more proclaim, respond to the departure of the river.

"We want to strengthen our influence and our forces in the House, in the House, but also in Europe – because it depends a lot on the 39 Europe of Regions and Cities – to do it, "continued Fofi Gennimata and attacked the government for its government policy:

" The government works with the very conservative perception that autonomy wants, a long arm of the central state. He is now bringing in a new legislative intervention. With the main goal of changing the election system of municipal and regional councils. They try to play games by organizing local elections. They feel defeat at the doors.

In this context, she stated that her party was ready to discuss proposals for a fairer and more proportionate electoral system. "But with an indisputable condition: greater proportionality and" government ", the capacity of Exercise the command and decision-making in the Regions and Municipalities, "he added.

The President of the Movement for Change presented 7 proposals for autonomy and the modern state:

1. The welfare state is built as a whole at the level closest to the citizen, in the communes as it applies throughout Europe. that all social policies, such as guaranteed minimum income, must be transferred to municipalities with all the necessary resources Decentralization of primary health responsibilities to municipalities

. They are responsible for regional planning and not for the implementation of ministerial ministries through WFP

3. Training and employment programs are all implemented in regions and municipalities that, based on actual needs, develop regional and local employment and training plans

4. The rural development program (PDP) is decentralized in two phases at a rate of 80%, so that the rural regeneration tool badociated with PORs can be developed.

5. Municipalities and regions are actively engaged in the effort of eliminating the digital divide that separates us from the EU countries Go to "Smart Cities"

6. Self-government plays a role in education

7. New conception of the electoral status so as not to discourage their wider participation in democratic processes

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