We are leaving the country with memoranda in terms of net outflows


"What we have achieved and what will be recorded in history is four things: First, we have completed the program and we are pulling the country out of the memoranda in terms of net outflows. Debt creates an important financial area that translates into 4 billion euros a year by 2023 and 2.8 billion euros compared to 2023 and over the next ten years. , the liquidity reserves, the fact that we have created the conditions so that market access can be done when we consider that it is an badet for the Greek economy, but also to cope with The fourth is that conditions are created for more interventions in the welfare state, education, health and development interventions due to the international turmoil that is too intense. of the consolidation n of public finances. "

What is mentioned, inter alia, by the Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, Alexis Charitsis, speaking Thursday evening at an organized event by the local SYRIZA organization in the House of Trikala

Mr. Haritsis of course noted that the key question from now on is how it is expected the next day after leaving the memoranda, saying that It must be translated in terms of the real economy. He said that "we are behind us, but the big issues are waiting for us" and he described the government's development strategy.

As said the Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, the government's development strategy "is a big benefit for the country and very crucial to the political system, the productive organs, autonomy and all Greek citizens. " Mr Haritsis, referring to the causes of the problems that caused the economic crisis in the country, said that the problem was due, among other things, to the productive system based on over-indebtedness, the very low technological investments and the deterioration of the labor market. . "

" What we must see in the field of the economy is to change the production system. How to use the comparative advantages of the Greek economy, how to support small and medium enterprises that are the backbone of the economy, how to move from a logic of operation of the? State functioning as a booty to a function of public administration at the service of the developmental logic? On investment, he noted that the government's development strategy addresses the question of what investment is needed. We ask ourselves: "Do we want investments that operate according to the logic of the producer, which do not respect the environmental and labor legislation, or do we want investments that allow Greek companies to develop?"

L & # 39, economics and development also referred to the issue of labor and labor relations, saying "for us, there is no growth without support at work". He pointed out that the government's intention after the end of the program is to raise the minimum wage, restore collective bargaining and combat undeclared work

. For the welfare state, Mr. Haritsis said that in the years of crisis, "is the great victim of this memorable adventure", pointing out that the big bet for the next day is to support education, work and health. He also said that the budget space that has been created can recruit in education and health, and attacked ND saying that "for us, there is no surplus staff in the hospital".

Economic Affairs and Development, he did not fail to mention foreign policy issues, especially the agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, stating agreement with Macedonia "is an important crossroads not attempting to upgrade our country internationally." According to Mr. Haritsis, all objective international observers believe that there is an agreement that protects the interests of Greece while forming a framework in which Greece is a leading force in the region

On the occasion of developments in Europe, Haritsis said that they are unpleasant and did argue that two camps are being created.He stressed that "there are forces that support the values ​​of solidarity of Europe, such as solidarity and cohesion, while the powers of extreme right, intolerant and xenophobic talk about closed borders and face the refugee in a hateful way. "

"Our position is clear.We choose the first camp.It is an issue that relates to our identity, to the history of our country and to the history of the country. Europe, "said the minister, adding:" This is also an issue for which all the forces of our country should be placed – with which of the two sides – they are on the side of growth, of the deepening of European unification, solidarity or these voices combining a far-right populist speech with severe neoliberal economic policies as the introduction of the 12-hour work of the Austrian Chancellor Kurtz Finally, on the occasion of the aforementioned dilemma raised by Mr. Haritsis, he also attacked the main opposition, saying that "ND's research into the far right is not going to happen. is not accidental, it is related to its strategy, "

Mr. Charitsis, in connection with his trip to Trikala, met yesterday with executives from the Trikala House and elected by the local government. Today, his program includes a meeting with the mayors of Trikala Regional Unit, with members of the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly, as well as a visit to the Tsilili – K.Sililis distillery and to the biscuit industry VIOLANTA SA.

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