We fully share the grief of the Greek people – Newsbeast


At the heart of the meeting of the President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos with Michel Barnier, was found in East Attica and the solidarity of the European Commission towards the Greek people . Mr Pavlopoulos, welcoming the Presidency of the Republic, Mr Barnier, Commissioner responsible for the preparation and conduct of the negotiations on Brexit, spoke of an extremely difficult situation for Greece, which is unfortunately experiencing moments of mourning and of grief and expressed his warm thanks to himself – who described him as a great friend of Greece – and to the European Commission for his solidarity with Greece

"The European Commission and its President, Jean Clint Juncker, showed that humanity and solidarity remain the fundamental principles and values ​​of European construction, according to the requirements of European civilization, "Pavlopoulos said, according to the press agency of 39, Athens

. During his visit to Greece, Mr Barnier publicly congratulated him for the great success and efficiency with which he carried out his mission, namely the preparation and conduct of the negotiations on Brexit [19659004]. Greece was and is known from the beginning: That the people of the United Kingdom reconsider – when the time comes – their decision on Brexit. Of course, the decision is entirely hers and is fully respected. However, if it maintains its decision, the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom will have to be concluded in time and a reconciliation agreement will be concluded. In this case, our British friends should be aware that the relevant agreement will fully respect European law and the European acquis and will also fully protect the legitimate interests of the European Union and the Member States, its members .

In conclusion, he recalled that one can not choose to leave the European Union and expects to have, even in part, the privileges of a member of the European Union. European Union, in function with its interests

For its part, Mr Barnier stressed first of all that "we fully share the emotion, the mourning of the Greek people, the tragedy that affects all Greece ".

we share it with the European Union, and myself and the family. I saw how much emotion this macabre event caused. The message from President Juncker and the whole Commission and my personal message is that we are very excited, we participate in this mourning, we share it, we are at your side as always. We must learn in such situations. "

The European official also referred to a visit he had previously made to our country:" And I will remember my first visit in September 1999 as Commissioner for Regional Policy when we went in the northern part of Athens and saw what efforts we had to make to be able to show solidarity in the context of civil protection and community badistance funds. You must know that we are always in solidarity, we are always on the side of the Greek people and we are sharing the mourning of Greece these days, "he said.

At the same time, he stressed that in this tragedy, are the true values ​​on which are founded all the countries of the European Union

It was also stressed that solidarity among others is the fact that Europeans share the policies and feelings of a "We are 28 states, which make politics, not only social and economic, but also humanitarian. With regard to Brexit, he reminded Greece that it was still a friendly country and we know that he has the same point of view that we chose to leave Britain. "We will agree, but we want to leave mainly in a coordinated way, as it says and not naughty." It's something we can not afford to leave. that we are doing in Brussels, I am of course leading the negotiations on behalf of Greece – since it is a member of the European Union – and we are continuing negotiations on Brexit. We must find a solution to all the problems of Britain's withdrawal by October It is important that there is a good organization before all this departure, relations that we aspire to have with Great Britain. Britain, not only in the commercial sector, in commercial or maritime shipping, but also in matters of great importance – of strategic importance – such as defense and security.We know that Britain must make all these negotiations in the attack e of stability in Europe. And this is something we discussed this week at the Brussels European Council – and I will continue negotiations with this ambition and goal in mind: stability in Europe, "Barnier said.

At the same time, he noted that, in the context of these difficult negotiations, "we are not only dealing with the treaty, but with the law." Between London and Brussels, there are discussions about people, people, , 5 million foreign workers working in the UK, including over 10,000 Greeks who live and work in the UK, UK or elsewhere, for businesses, and of course you also have the British working in Greece. "

" One of our priorities is to guarantee the rights of all these people, with legal certainty, because the agreement must allow the full enjoyment of all the rights of all people working in the Kingdom. And here ", concluded Mr Barnier at a joint meeting of the Committee of Ministers. "

" I am in Greece at the time of national mourning, which is also a European mourning, "he continued saying:" You accept someone who is a family man and, like all the Europeans I was shocked by the scenes in Attica, especially at Mati, and I would like to express my condolences to President Jean-Claude Junger and to the entire European Commission and express my solidarity. "

Mr. Barnier did not fail to mention in the great earthquake of 1999 in Athens with the great earthquake and fires that hit the Peloponnese in 2007:" These disasters, which affect More and more of the other EU countries are not all natural disasters, but beyond solidarity, there are lessons to be learned to prevent these tragedies from happening, there are lessons to be learned at national and European level. "

M. Barnier revealed that after the earthquakes in Athens 1999 is the one that proposed the creation of a European solidarity fund to help remedies. Taking into account the magnitude of the tragedy and the consequences of climate change, he stressed that there are conditions that a country can not cope with and that all countries must therefore be able to do so. use resources to purchase instruments such as the ones as well as their use where necessary

The European Commissioner responsible for Brexit informed the Special European Standing Committee, the Standing Committee on National Defense and Foreign Affairs and the Committee Permanent Economic Affairs (19659020)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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