Weather: Chronicles, rain and temperatures down Thursday | Greece


On Thursday, November 29, 2018, some clouds are expected, with most of the rains falling on the eastern and southern continents and the Aegean. Low local rains are also expected in the continental north until noon. There should be snowfall in the mountainous highlands of the above-mentioned areas, as well as in low-lying areas in Macedonia until noon. There is a risk of sporadic storms in the central and southern Aegean.

The temperature on the North Continent will range from -1 to 7 degrees, with the exception of West Macedonia, from -3 to 4, the mainland from 4 to 11, the continental south from 5 to 12, the Ionian Islands from 8 to 13 to 18, from the islands of the northern Aegean from 3 to 10, to the islands of the rest of the Aegean from 9 to 18 years and to Crete from 11 to 18 years. around the clock.

The north and morning winds in central and southwestern Aegean will blow from northern addresses 6-8 and 9 of the local beaufort. In the southeast Aegean, winds will blow from south to southeast and will be 3 to 5 and 6 km to the right.

In Ionian, the winds will blow oriental addresses 5 to 7 and local beaufort.

In Attica, precipitation is expected from time to time. Winds will blow from North 5 to 7 and locally on the East Coast to 8 Beaufort. The temperature in the center of Athens will be between 7 and 12 degrees, the minimum being expected towards the end of the 24 hour period.

Clouds with a cloudy cloud are expected in Thessaloniki until noon, while snow will fall in areas higher than 400 meters. The winds will blow from north to north from 3 to 5 and locally from west to 6 beaufort, with a beaufort ranging from 1 to 2 weakening from noon. The temperature in the center of the city will be between 3 and 6 degrees.


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