He was the only player not to go to the Survivor Finals as he had them … "gathered" in the production of survival reality
Theodoropoulos Theodoropoulos contends that the editing has completely changed his character and that everything was done to increase the numbers
"I feel exposed to editing, television does it and I know it.It's not me, my image in the game has been changed to 100% – and it's a close picture When I went out and came back to Greece, I watched the episodes and I felt sorry for some of the things I saw. "[19459005HetoldtheCypriotmagazineOmikron:"IdonotknowwhathappenedbythewayalthoughIcantellyouthatmyimageinthegamehadnothingtodowiththetruepersonalityofThodoriswastotallychangedI'mnotacrazypersonwhowbaduddenlyisolatedfromeveryonenotthecase!IjustdidnothaveanycontactwithsomenoteveryoneFromsomeofficialsocialmediaproductionandchannelitwbadaidthat"Istolecoconuts"VarioussillythingsthatdonotapplyandthatI'mIhavethetroubletotreatHoweverafalserealityhasbeencreatedformeThat'showit'sdonetoincreasethenumbers"
As to whether this is the case, he took the initiative to move it away Nicholas Agorou, who had been stuck in the game until recently?
"With Nicolas, we got closer, we got closer, but on the way I took the distance because I lied to a subject and I understood it. Of course, the truth has been neglected because the episodes have shown that Nicolas has distanced himself from me. All the rest I am a person who appreciates sincerity. And silly that you did, if you admit it to me, I can ignore it. But do not lie to me! Nicolas has changed a little, but everyone has their own strategy. I did not do it! I have nothing else to say about it. "
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